Sanara Privacy Policy

Latest update: 17 August 2022
When using Sanara, you accept to give some information about its usage, these data are used to improve the bot the following way:

Data collected for statistics

  • Total count of guilds Sanara is in
  • Commands used including:
    • For "booru" commands: from what websites the data are taken
    • For games: what games (name + multiplayer mode) are played and with how many players
    • For doujinshi and cosplay commands: when using the "Download" button, size of data downloaded
  • How the command was requested (by slash command or by pinging the bot)
  • The version of the bot (Sanara or Hanaki)
  • If commands succeed or failed, including why they failed
These data track how the bot is used in view to improve it
Statistics data are not deleted, they are however made anonymous
You can view these data over the last month on the stats page or from the from the stats endpoint

Data collected for guild preference

  • ID of the Discord guild
  • Scores done while playing games on Sanara, including the Discord ID of the users who participated to that score
  • If subscriptions are used, channel where new messages need to be sent
  • Others guild preferences:
    • Should Sanara translate messages when user add a flag as a reaction
    • (Deprecated) Should data be anonymized when sent to this website
    • (Deprecated) What modules are disabled for the current guild
    • (Deprecated) Bot prefix for the current guild
Data marked as "Deprecated" aren't used anymore, but may still be stored if used before their deprecation
These data allow to improve the user experience inside your guild
Guild preferences are not deleted, you can however contact me at [email protected] to request their deletion
The guild owner or anyone with "Manage Guild" permission can view these data using the "configure" command

Data collected in case of error

  • Error thrown
  • Stack trace (exact emplacement of the error in the code)
  • Time when the error was thrown
  • Others internal information about the bot itself and the VPS where it's hosted
These data allow to keep track of errors and fix them
Error data are automatically deleted after 30 days
These data can't be accessed by anyone but the bot owner

About Message Content Intent

Sanara has the "message content intent", which mean the bot have access to the content of all messages
This is used in the following cases: Message content are only checked when needed for one of the used case mentionned above and are discarded afterward

The bot also use messages starting with its prefix as an alternative to slash commands but these data are available to every bots as explained on Discord support page